Kathy gets vaccine dose #2 on Apr 7 so fears she may not feel well during the meeting on Apr 8.
As a City employee, Maren does not plan to speak up during the meeting. Justin does not plan to speak either.
So ... Please ask any and/or all of the questions posed below during the Neighborhood Meeting hosted by the City.
Opportunity We can use this neighborhood meeting to ...
Learn as much as possible about what might occur in the general vicinity since this is just one portion of what could get developed over time
Get an overview of the current (dealership) property ownership and anticipated development for that whole area that would be impacted by the Overall Development Plan
Understand if the Tynan's dealership is planning additional development in future phases
Potential Questions
What are the development plans for the entire area (beyond the dealership)?
How does the dealership expansion plan effect the overall Development Plan for the area?
Will there still be residential development in the area or more commercial development?
Broadly speaking, is the current zoning of that entire area (including abutting parcels) continuing to make sense to the planners, given the difficulties that recent developers have found in trying to create successful projects on the site? (Some of that will be more relevant for future development applications, and some might be relevant for the car dealership.)
How do City Planners expect this project to fit into the bigger picture east of the BNSF tracks over the next decade or so?
Given that the new lighting code was adopted on March 26, 2021, we assume that new development, including this project, will comply with the new standards. Will existing lighting be updated to meet the new code?
What else will be done with site design to minimize light impact on the natural area and nearby neighborhoods? (Because car dealerships are lighting intensive, this is a good area to focus attention to make sure they get it right.)
What other buffering opportunities are there with landscaping, site design, and building lighting plans? (These are the areas that have a lot of opportunities to be creative and use mitigation strategies.)
Should we be concerned about headlights from cars driving through the dealership at night? (Another reason buffering would be nice.)
Will constraints on the western end of the parcels, near the BNSF tracks, lead to a rationale at some point for the City to add to the natural area through that portion of the site?
Given that we've heard about the City's long-term interest in a connector trail from Skyview to the Fossil Creek Trail. And that neighborhood can't access this nearby public amenity without setting off "cross country" to get to it. (You can already see the social trail on the south side of the trail going up the railroad berm just past the tunnel.) -- Will the Overall Development Plan also include that shared amenity? -- Who is responsible for paying for it? -- Given the sensitive paleontology and ecology of that western portion of the site, should the City consider owning and managing it, or at least having a certified natural area, privately owned, as part of that buffer zone near the tracks?